United Nations Security Council Resolution 2008

UN Security Council
Resolution 2008
Date: 16 September 2011
Meeting no.: 6,619
Code: S/RES/2008

Vote: For: 15 Abs.: 0 Against: 0
Subject: The situation in Liberia
Result: Adopted

Security Council composition in 2011:
permanent members:


non-permanent members:

Flag of Liberia

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2008 was unanimously adopted on 16 September 2011.



Unanimously adopting resolution 2008 (2011) under the Charter’s Chapter VII, the Council reiterated its authorization of the Mission to continue to assist the Government with the 2011 general presidential and legislative elections with logistical support, coordination of international assistance and support to Liberian stakeholders in creating an atmosphere conducive to peaceful polling, as recommended by the most recent report of the Secretary-General.

Also by today’s resolution, the Council urged all Liberians to help ensure an atmosphere that enabled free and constructive political debate and that any outstanding issues regarding the electoral framework were finalized. It also urged Liberian actors to guarantee unrestricted access to polls with cooperation from UNMIL, consistent with the Mission’s role in the protection of civilians. It called upon all parties to respect the results of the polls.

Looking towards a future drawdown of UNMIL, with successful elections a core benchmark, the Council requested the Secretary-General to deploy a technical assessment mission after the inauguration of the elected Government in 2012 that would focus on the security transition and develop detailed proposals for changes in the Mission, while encouraging the Government, meanwhile, to continue to plan with UNMIL in that regard.

Reaffirming inter-mission cooperation arrangements between UNMIL and the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI), the Council emphasized the need for the two Missions to coordinate their strategies on border security, armed groups and the influx of Ivorian refugees into Liberia. It asked the Secretary-General to report on that effort to the Council and troop-contributing countries.[1]

See also


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